name: Eric Lawrence
age: July 31, 1981 in Atlanta, GA
lives in: Burbank, CA
family: brother, Jason; sisters, Robyn, Lori and Blake; his
father was on "Dukes of Hazzard"
stats: 6'4"
hobbies: playing guitar and piano
status: single
trivia: Eric says, of the weather in Vancouver, BC, where
"So Weird" is filmed: it's always cold!
(click on title to purchase)
- "Armed and
Innocent" (TV) (1994) Sammy
- "Full House"
(TV guest appearance) (1994) Jamie
- Sandman (1998)
Bobby Doll
- East Ridgemont High
- American
Pie (1999) Albert
- "So Weird"
(1999) Carey
- Route 66 (2000)
- The Beauty Loop
comments: There is
little known on Eric Lively at this time, except that the 18 year
old is in
Rushmore and American Pie. The inside scoop is that he
was the runner up for the Ryan
Phillippe role in 54. Next up: Eric appears opposite Diane
Ladd in Route 66, where he plays a
schizophrenic kleptomaniac. And look for a cool interview of Eric
in the latest A&F Quarterly
catalog. Bigger and better things, Eric!
contact: c/o The
Disney Channel, Amy Baker, 3800 W Alameda Ave, 5th floor,
CA 91505
Latest News!
- Some cyber squatters
bought up ericlively.com from under Eric. If there's anything
it's not sanctioned by Eric. His web designers are working on
his official site, though.
- Eric is currently writing
a film called "Hollywood Love Story" which he plans
to direct. He
doesn't necessarily want to star in it, though.
- Eric can be seen in the
film The Beauty Loop, where he plays a college student.
iI's a
romantic comedy, due out later this summer.
- Eric and Patrick
are working on the script for a "So Weird" episode.
Eric may even direct it!
- Eric appears in Mandy
Moore's "Walk Me Home" video, as well as the
accompanying "
Making of the Video: Mandy Moore" now on MTV rotation;
you can see some pics from
the video here.
Also, be sure to vote for the video on TRL at MTV.com
- According to Blast
magazine, Eric is currently recording an album and he'll be
asking his fans
to help him name the new CD. Update: Eric has
stopped work on the album because he
doesn't want to become a pop star. Music is too important to
him to be seen a s a cheesy act.
- Eric has been quoted as
saying that his brothers and sisters may have their city
"style" but
deep down they're all just a bunch of hicks from Georgia.
Presumably he includes himself in
that characterization.
fave movie: Breaking
the Waves
fave actor: Emily Watson
fave band: Garbage and Nirvana
fave TV show: "So Weird"
fave color: a unique shade of lime green
fave food: Tony Roma's BBQ ribs