Q & A

                                                         HENRY WINKLER


Q:      Where did the idea for the series come from?


A:          Michelle Davis   and Alec Griffith, with whom I had previously worked on Sightings,
 came to me with an idea for doing a paranormal show involving children.  I thought it was a
 great idea and it took about two years to sell. We went to all the various networks and, 
finally, received a big "Yes!" from Disney Channel.  Then, Tom Astle, the creator and writer 
who also serves as one of the series executive producers, really gave it the form that finally 
became the pilot.  As a matter of fact, in a recent issue of TV Guide, the magazine 
selected our show as one of the "Top 10 New Kids' Shows."



Q:      How involved are you in the project on a day-today basis?


A:       In the beginning, I helped with notes on the scripts and watched dailies.  I helped in 
the casting, and with other details that came up along the way.  WE are  very lucky to have
Ali Matheson and Jon Cooksey in Canada to run the show on a day-to -day basis and, as a 
plus, I get to work again with Larry Sugar, the producer with whom I've been working on 
dead Man's Gun for the past three years.  It takes a village, not only to take care of the 
children of the world, but also to make a television show. I do commute back and forth to 



Q:      It seems like more and more shows are featuring girl characters as leads.  Was it a 
conscious decision for you?


A:       No, not really.  We were lucky enough to find a wonderful young actress who is just 
a delight.  She's very mature. . . definitely an old soul.  She's got a magnetic personality 
and is one of the most wonderful spirits I've seen in a long time.



Q:      Where are you filming the series and why?


A:       WE film in Vancouver not only because it's a great place but also because it also 
makes production of television shows enconomically feasible. The icing on the cake is  
the number of incredibly talented creative people who also happen to live there.  Vancouver 
gives you a sense of both Europe and America, of big cities and small towns, with the 
benefit of grand vistas.



Q:      What was the biggest challenge you faced during this production?


A:       The biggest challenge is always finding the right writer - the most important part 
of any production.  Then, it's finding the right cast that can bring the writer's vision to life.



Q:      In regards to your career, you seem to wear many different hats - actor, director, 
and producer - which is most rewarding to you?


A:       Acting is my first love . . . and always will be. It is the most fun!  Producing is the 
most challenging because anything that can go wrong will! Directing is like assembling a 
jigsaw puzzle and requires great patience and tenacity.



Q:      Do you have any children? Is this a show you would want them to watch?


A:       I have three children: a 15-year-old son, and 18-year-old daughter and a 27-year-old
 son.  I think that if you make good television it will attract the whole family.  Our intent is 
that the young child, his or her parents and grandparents will all watch the show and have 
something to talk about when it's over.



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